Wednesday 18 March 2009

Hammersmith or Bust

Off to see the Queen with Stephen Clayton, author of The art of being dead and his wife Judith. We've packed sandwiches and a flask. All very excited. It's part of the Exclusively Independent promotion, and Steve will be reading from his book and I'll be ranting, talking for a few minutes about independent publishing and the woes, no opportunites given to indies in these maddening times at Hammersmith library. There will be no blog tomorrow because I'll be far away in a strange country and I don't have the skills to do things when I'm away from the comfort of my own home and PC. I know you can do it via laptop and other such fandangly engines of modernity but I don't possess the cyber knowledge between the ears. I'm not going down the Twitter route either. Jaysus, can't think of anything worse. I know all the cyber celebrity geeks out there are doing it, but it reminds me of all those American and Japanese tourists you see who experience their holidays through the lens of their video cameras without actually seeing with their own eyes. Call me old fashioned. You're old fashioned, but I don't care. Twitter ye not, I'm going to see what the big people are doing in London and then I'll tell you the day after tomorrow. I know, I'm just one big tease. Ta,ta, off to try and dodge the congestion charge. Boris, The Moose is afoot.

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