Tuesday 12 May 2009

Celebrity Misery Noir

I've just heard the sad news that Peter Andre and Jordan are to split. Whenever a marriage breaks down and children are involved, it is a desperate state of affairs. When its done in the public domain even more so. But not only is there a tear in the eye of the Moose for the children, as Michael Jackson would say, but for the British Reading Public. We are going to be inundated with the ins and outs, lots of ins and lots of outs, and with a cast list of hundreds of minor slebs putting their oars in, as they say down at the Leander. Who did what to whom, when and where, but you just know that there is a book, or several books that will be coming our way courtesy of the gilded quills of Messrs Peter and Jordan. The supermarket aisles will be festooned with duplicitious tales of bed hoppery and all manner of shenanigans. It will be labelled Celebrity Misery Noir. A new section for the booksellers. Psychiatrists with Diploma filled walls from every Mind Body and Spirit University from the planet Sackcloth will be wheeled out on daytime TV to explain what went wrong. And the sums being paid out to these slebs will be atsronomical thus delaying or possibly ending the careers of several hundred new writers. Fantastic.
Go Peter.

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